De uTech Tecnologia
As causas de desligamento de chamada são definidas pela padrão ITU-T Recommendation Q.931.
A seguir, a lista de possíveis causas:
Descrição | Causa (dec.) |
0 | Undefined cause |
1 | Unallocated or unassigned number |
2 | No route to specified transit network (Transit Network Identity) |
3 | No route to destination |
4 | Send special information tone |
5 | Misdialled trunk prefix |
6 | Channel unacceptable |
7 | Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel |
8 | Prefix 0 dialed but not allowed |
9 | Prefix 1 dialed but not allowed |
10 | Prefix 1 not dialed but required |
11 | More digits received than allowed, call is proceeding |
16 | Normal call clearing |
17 | User busy |
18 | No user responding |
19 | T.301 expired: – User Alerted, No answer from user |
21 | Call rejected |
22 | Number changed to number in diagnostic field. |
23 | Reverse charging rejected |
24 | Call suspended |
25 | Call resumed |
26 | Non-selected user clearing |
27 | Destination out of order |
28 | Invalid number format or incomplete address |
29 | EKTS facility rejected by network |
30 | Response to STATUS ENQUIRY |
31 | Normal, unspecified |
33 | Circuit out of order |
34 | No circuit/channel available |
35 | Destination unattainable |
36 | Out of order |
37 | Degraded service |
38 | Network out of order |
39 | Transit delay range cannot be achieved |
40 | Throughput range cannot be achieved |
41 | Temporary failure |
42 | Switching equipment congestion |
43 | Access information discarded |
44 | Requested circuit channel not available |
45 | Preempted |
46 | Precedence call blocked |
47 | Resource unavailable, unspecified |
49 | Quality of service unavailable |
50 | Requested facility not subscribed |
51 | Reverse charging not allowed |
52 | Outgoing calls barred |
53 | Outgoing calls barred within CUG |
54 | Incoming calls barred |
55 | Incoming calls barred within CUG |
56 | Call waiting not subscribed |
57 | Bearer capability not authorized |
58 | Bearer capability not presently available |
63 | Service or option not available, unspecified |
65 | Bearer service not implemented |
66 | Channel type not implemented |
67 | Transit network selection not implemented |
68 | Message not implemented |
69 | Requested facility not implemented |
70 | Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available |
79 | Service or option not implemented, unspecified |
81 | Invalid call reference value |
82 | Identified channel does not exist |
83 | A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not |
84 | Call identity in use |
85 | No call suspended |
86 | Call having the requested call identity has been cleared |
87 | Called user not member of CUG |
88 | Incompatible destination |
89 | Non-existent abbreviated address entry |
90 | Destination address missing, and direct call not subscribed |
91 | Invalid transit network selection (national use) |
92 | Invalid facility parameter 93 Mandatory information element is missing |
93 | Message type non-existent or not implemented |
95 | Invalid message, unspecified |
96 | Mandatory information element is missing |
97 | Message type non-existent or not implemented |
98 | Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented |
99 | Information element nonexistent or not implemented |
100 | Invalid information element contents |
101 | Message not compatible with call state |
102 | Recovery on timer expiry |
103 | Parameter non-existent or not implemented – passed on |
111 | Protocol error, unspecified |
127 | Internetworking, unspecified |
128 or
higher |
Proprietary diagnostic code (not necessarily bad). Typically used to pass proprietary control or maintenance messages between multiplexers. |